

  • Zài Jiàn (再見) – See you again: A Reflection on Ending the School Year Online

    blog cover sophia


    Bittersweet (adj.): both pleasant and painful or regretful.

    Saying goodbye to students is a bittersweet experience. The sweetness stems from seeing them successfully reach the end of a year-long journey, one filled with personal and academic growth. The bitterness bleeds from carving the word "former" in front of "students". These six letters represent the sobering realization that future reunions, no matter how joyful, won't replicate bygone days: the ordinary yet precious experience of seeing this particular cohort of bright-eyed students gathered together in our classroom for a regular day of class. That time has passed, run

  • Halloween Fun at School!

    FIEC Halloween 51

    One of the exciting parts of teaching English abroad is being able to introduce our students to some unique elements of western culture. Halloween isn't traditionally celebrated in Taiwan (although it is becoming increaingly popular with the influence of western culture), but it's an opportunity for teachers to engage students in some fun, themed activities in ESL class. Check out the creative costumes by our ESL teachers this year! 

  • Student Work: G11 Inquiry Presentations

    KJHSG11 2020 6


    As high school students in our ESL program reach upper years, they're assigned more critical thinking tasks and project-based assignments. Rather than being directly presented with content, students are invited to dig deeper into global and societal issues that affect the world around them and to reflect critically on their place in it, through research, discussion, analysis, and reflection. 

Who are we?

We are a Taiwanese company specializing in international education experiences for Taiwanese students and international teachers. We partner with leading international education specialists to deliver educational programs within Taiwanese schools while also creating opportunities for teachers from around the world.


No. 139, Fuhua Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 11158, Taiwan

