Online Recruitment Event for Teachers

We're hiring for full-time contract positions in Taiwan and Shanghai starting August 2022.

Online Recruitment Event for Teachers

We're hiring for full-time contract positions in Taiwan and Shanghai starting August 2022.

Join us for a free online recruitment event to meet some of our principals and staff, learn all about our Ontario-based ESL program, and receive answers to your questions about teaching in Taiwan with us, including:


What are the benefits and salary?

What kind of teaching environment and schedule can I expect?

What curriculum, resources, and support are provided?

How will teaching abroad affect my career prospects in my home country?

Is this the right educational organization for me and my professional goals?


Register for a session that best suits your schedule and time zone. Spaces are limited.

We look forward to connecting with you! 



May 10


FIEC Virtual Hiring Event (North America)

In this session, an Ontario principal will introduce the Ontario-based ESL program in Taiwan and Shanghai. Join to learn about the professional advantages of teaching Canadian curriculum abroad, salary and benefits, and the job application process. 

This session is open to all interested teachers, but the experience will be tailored to teachers and teacher education students located in North America

Time:  Tuesday, May 10th, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Toronto GMT-5)





May 14


FIEC Virtual Hiring Event (Taiwan)

In this session, an Ontario principal will introduce the Ontario-based ESL program in Taiwan and Shanghai. Join to learn about the professional advantages of teaching Canadian curriculum abroad, salary and benefits, and the job application process. This session will also include Q&A with some current and past teachers.

This session is open to all interested teachers, but the experience will be tailored to teachers currently located in Taiwan or Asia

Time:  Saturday, May 14th, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Taipei GMT+8)








 TUE May 10

FIEC Virtual Hiring Event (North America)

In this session, an Ontario principal will introduce the Ontario-based ESL program in Taiwan and Shanghai. Join to learn about the professional advantages of teaching Canadian curriculum abroad, salary and benefits, and the job application process. This session will also include Q&A with some current and past teachers. 

This session is open to all interested teachers, but the experience will be tailored to teachers and teacher education students located in North America.

Time:  Tuesday, May 10th, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Toronto GMT-5)



 SAT May 14


FIEC Virtual Hiring Event (Taiwan)

In this session, an Ontario principal will introduce the Ontario-based ESL program in Taiwan and Shanghai. Join to learn about the professional advantages of teaching Canadian curriculum abroad, salary and benefits, and the job application process. This session will also include Q&A with some current and past teachers.

This session is open to all interested teachers, but the experience will be tailored to teachers currently located in Taiwan or Asia.

Time:  Saturday, May 14th, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (London GMT 0)





Who are we?

We are a Taiwanese company specializing in international education experiences for Taiwanese students and international teachers. We partner with leading international education specialists to deliver educational programs within Taiwanese schools while also creating opportunities for teachers from around the world.


No. 139, Fuhua Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 11158, Taiwan

